Andy has supplied me with ten images that he wanted to represent himself within the book, i wanted to take this number down to just over half. Seven images for each Photographer felt like it would be sufficient to get the readers interest without overloading the reader.
See below for a screen grab of my selection process using Adobe Bridge CS6.
Below is my final selection of Andy's images, now I need to work out the best order to display them in the book, the main things I need to take into account for this decision process is page layouts and how images will work next to each other. I have already decided, after playing around with, that each image is deserving of its own page. therefore the only clashes in images will be pages next to each other. Images 3 and 7 really stand out to me so they will get full bleed, but some others I may include black on the top and bottom or on both sides depending on whether they are portrait or landscape.